Our Story

Dr. (Maj) Gurveen Garekar MBBS,MD
Dr. (Lt Cdr) Siddharth Garekar MBBS,MD
Welcome to the Garekars MD store!
This store exists as an extension to our skin clinics in Gurgaon which are managed and run by us.
Since its inception, we at Garekars MD Dermatology clinic, have strived to provide exceptional skin care, designed for real life. This is just another small step in achieving that goal.
We believe in ‘CLEAN AUTHENTIC FORMULAS AND RADICAL RESULTS’. What you find in this store, is a carefully curated collection of products which we have been prescribing for years. The products are procured directly from the manufacturers and are available at our clinics as well. So rest assured, no fakes.
Hope our endeavour helps you on your skin health journey!